Creating Depth: Masterful Post Production Colour Grading

Imagine having just finished filming a spectacular sunset scene… it’s good, but it could definitely go to the next level with our inhouse colourists. Our colourists enrich the narrative, setting the tone, and giving your story an unforgettable aesthetic fingerprint. 

By manipulating colours through post-production colour grading, we enhance emotions through hue and immerse the audience deeper into the story. It’s here, in the subtle play of shadows and highlights, where your video truly comes to life.

Specialists in Colour

Our colourists have years of experience colour grading feature films, documentaries and TVCs.

Our Resolve suites use the latest in OLED screen technology which gives not only our colourists the detail and accuracy for your project, but lets you see exactly what your final image should look like. We also have one of the largest colour broadcast HD monitors available, providing unparalleled accuracy.

We also grade in a custom 50 seat cinema with a fully calibrated projector for projects that require the next step up for the ultimate cinematic experience.

Jaemie Manners is our senior in-house colourist and has worked across feature films, TV series and commercials. A strong technical expertise and a unique eye for colour and detail, make him one of the leading colourists in Western Australia.

Get a quote for our colour grading services today

At Sandbox, we see our colour grading services as an essential dialogue between the scene and its audience. Whether we’re cooling down the blues to add a touch of melancholy or warming up the reds for a sun-kissed glow, each adjustment is a deliberate step towards visual perfection.

But don’t just take our word for it; let your vision experience the Sandbox treatment. If you’re ready to elevate your project, contact us and let’s bring your vision to colourful life.


Post-production colour grading is the process of enhancing the colour of a film or video in post-production, using specialised software. It adjusts the colours to better convey your project’s mood, style and narrative.

Colour grading is crucial because it not only corrects any colour issues but also enhances the emotional impact of your footage. It helps maintain colour consistency and set the right atmosphere for your scenes, ultimately influencing how the audience perceives and feels about your story.

The key components of our services include:

  • Contrast: Adjusting the difference between the dark and light parts of the image.
  • Saturation: Altering the intensity of colours.
  • Colour Tones: Modifying specific colours in a shot to change the mood or realism.
  • Exposure: Tweaking the overall brightness and detail visibility in shadows and highlights.

Colour grading is a major component of the post production process.  The duration of a film, quality of the footage and desired look are all factors that impact the time required. At Sandbox, we balance quality with efficiency, ensuring that each project gets the attention it deserves without unnecessary delays. 

We’ll work hand-in-hand with you to deliver your project within your deadline.

At Sandbox we have two inhouse colourists, Jaemie Manners and Joel Taylor. Both are highly experienced and talented colourists who have worked across all forms of content, from high end TVCs to feature films and TV series.

Our recent projects include shows for Disney +, Stan and Paramount.

While colour grading is a powerful tool for enhancing image quality, it’s not a cure-all. Issues like severe underexposure, overexposure or out-of-focus shots may not be fully correctable. However, grading can significantly improve most footage by enhancing detail and adjusting colours to create a more appealing visual.

Yes, there is a fundamental difference. Colour correction is the process of adjusting problems in your footage related to colour balance and exposure to achieve a neutral look across all clips. Colour grading is the creative process where you stylise the footage to match a desired aesthetic or mood.

Ready to transform your visual content? Browse our comprehensive post-production services and get it touch so we can talk through your post needs.

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